[ This document was written for WCF Services Version 1 Service Pack 2 and might not be up to date
Please see Release Notes or Changelog for a list of changes since WCF RIA Services ]
In this walkthrough, you learn how to set up your server and client projects in an Open Ria Services solution to work with an authentication service. When you create a solution with the Silverlight Navigation Application template and enable Open Ria Services, you can access the ASP.NET Membership framework by adding an authentication service. The authentication service exposes authentication, roles, and profiles from the server project to the client project. You use the authentication service to validate user credentials, restrict access to resources based on roles, and store profile properties.
This and the other walkthroughs presented in the Open Ria Services documentation require several prerequisite programs, such as Visual Studio and the Silverlight Developer Runtime and SDK, be installed and configured properly, in addition to Open Ria Services and the Open Ria Services Toolkit. They also require installing and configuring SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Advanced Services and installing the AdventureWorks OLTP and LT database.
Detailed instructions for the satisfaction of each of these prerequisites are provided by the topics within the Prerequisites for Open Ria Services node. Follow the instructions provided there before proceeding with this walkthrough to ensure that you encounter as few problems as possible when working through this Open Ria Services walkthroughs.
Configuring the Server Project for Authentication, Roles, and Profiles
To use the authentication service from a Silverlight application, you must configure the authentication on the server project. You configure authentication in the Web.config file. After configuring authentication, you can also configure roles and profiles on the server project, if you want to use those features from the Silverlight application. In this walkthrough, you will configure all three features. Finally, you add an authentication service which exposes the enabled features to the client.
To configure the server project
In Visual Studio, select File, New, and then Project.
The New Project dialog box appears.
Select the Silverlight project type.
Select the Silverlight Navigation Application template and name the application ExampleNavigationApplication.
Click OK.
The New Silverlight Application dialog box appears.
Make sure that the Host the Silverlight application in a new Web site check box is selected and that the New Web project type is set to ASP.NET Web Application Project.
Select the Enable Open Ria Services check box.
Click OK to create the solution.
In the server project (ExampleBusinessApplication.Web), open the Web.config file.
In the \ element, add an \ element and set the mode property to Forms.
<authentication mode="Forms"></authentication>
In the \ element, add a \ element and set the enabled property to true.
<roleManager enabled="true"></roleManager>
In the \ element, add a \ element, set the enabled property to true, and include a profile property named DefaultRows.
In the Solution Explorer, right-click the server project, select Add and then New Item.
The Add New Item dialog box appears.
Select the Authentication Domain Service template and name it AuthenticationDomainService.
Click Add.
Open the authentication service code file (AuthenticationDomainService.cs or AuthenticationDomainService.vb) and add the DefaultRows property that you defined in the Web.config file to the User class.
<EnableClientAccess()> _
Public Class AuthenticationDomainService
Inherits AuthenticationBase(Of User)
End Class
Public Class User
Inherits UserBase
Public Property DefaultRows As Integer
End Class
In this section, you will use the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool to create a user and role. You will login as this user in a later section.
To add users with the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool
To open the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool, first select the server project in the Solution Explorer.
On the Project menu, select ASP.NET Configuration.
If you do not see the ASP.NET Configuration option in the Project menu, it may be because you have selected the client project.
Select the Security tab in ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool.
In the Roles section, click the Create or Mange roles link.
Add a new role named Managers and click the Add Role button.
In the lower-right corner, click the Back button.
In the Users section, click the Create user link.
Create a new user with the following values and select the Managers role check box.
User Name: CustomerManager
Password: P@ssword
E-mail: someone@example.com
Security Question: Favorite color?
Security Answer: Blue
Managers role: selected
Click the Create User button.
Close the ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool.
Configuring the Client for Authentication
You must configure the client project to use the authentication mode that matches the authentication mode you configured in the server project.
To configure the client project
In the client project, open the code-behind file for the App.xaml file (App.xaml.cs or App.xaml.vb).
In the constructor, create a new instance of the WebContext class.
Set the Authentication property to a new instance of the FormsAuthentication class, and add the WebContext instance to the ApplicationLifetimeObjects.
Public Sub New()
Dim webcontext As New WebContext
webcontext.Authentication = New OpenRiaServices.Client.Authentication.FormsAuthentication
End Sub
In this section, you will add Silverlight controls that enable the user to provide user name and password for logging in. You will add code that calls the Login method with the user's credentials. You will also set which controls are visible based on whether the user is logged in.
For simplicity, the login user interface is added to the Home page in this walkthrough. In your application, you may want to create a separate login page.
To login and logout a user
In Solution Explorer, expand the Views folder in the client project.
Open the Home.xaml file.
After the TextBlock named ContentText, add the following XAML.
The XAML includes a TextBox for providing a user name, a PasswordBox for providing a password, a Button for submitting the login request, and a TextBlock and HyperlinkButton for logging out which are only displayed after the user has logged in.
The code includes event handlers for logging in and logging out, callback methods for completed login and logout operations, and a method that set the visibility of controls based on whether the user is authenticated.
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedTo(ByVal e As System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub LoginButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim lp As LoginParameters = New LoginParameters(UserName.Text, Password.Password)
WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(lp, AddressOf Me.LoginOperation_Completed, Nothing)
LoginButton.IsEnabled = False
LoginResult.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub LoginOperation_Completed(ByVal lo As LoginOperation)
If (lo.HasError) Then
LoginResult.Text = lo.Error.Message
LoginResult.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
ElseIf (lo.LoginSuccess = False) Then
LoginResult.Text = "Login failed. Please check user name and password."
LoginResult.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
ElseIf (lo.LoginSuccess = True) Then
End If
LoginButton.IsEnabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub SetControlVisibility(ByVal isAuthenticated As Boolean)
If (isAuthenticated) Then
LoginBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
WelcomeText.Text = "Welcome " + WebContext.Current.User.Name
WelcomeText.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
LogoutButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
LoginBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
WelcomeText.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
LogoutButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LogoutButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
WebContext.Current.Authentication.Logout(AddressOf Me.LogoutOperation_Completed, Nothing)
End Sub
Private Sub LogoutOperation_Completed(ByVal lo As LogoutOperation)
If (Not (lo.HasError)) Then
Dim ew As ErrorWindow = New ErrorWindow("Logout failed.", "Please try logging out again.")
End If
End Sub
protectedoverridevoidOnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e){SetControlVisibility(WebContext.Current.User.IsAuthenticated);}privatevoidLoginButton_Click(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e){LoginParameters lp =newLoginParameters(UserName.Text,Password.Password);WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(lp,this.LoginOperation_Completed,null);LoginButton.IsEnabled=false;LoginResult.Text="";}privatevoidLoginOperation_Completed(LoginOperation lo){if (lo.HasError) {LoginResult.Text=lo.Error.Message;LoginResult.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;lo.MarkErrorAsHandled(); }elseif (lo.LoginSuccess==false) {LoginResult.Text="Login failed. Please check user name and password.";LoginResult.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; }elseif (lo.LoginSuccess==true) {SetControlVisibility(true); }LoginButton.IsEnabled=true;}privatevoidSetControlVisibility(bool isAuthenticated){if (isAuthenticated) {LoginBorder.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;WelcomeText.Text="Welcome "+WebContext.Current.User.Name;WelcomeText.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;LogoutButton.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; }else {LoginBorder.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;WelcomeText.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;LogoutButton.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; }}privatevoidLogoutButton_Click(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e){WebContext.Current.Authentication.Logout(this.LogoutOperation_Completed,null);}privatevoidLogoutOperation_Completed(LogoutOperation lo){if (!lo.HasError) {SetControlVisibility(false); }else {ErrorWindow ew =newErrorWindow("Logout failed.","Please try logging out again.");ew.Show();lo.MarkErrorAsHandled(); }}
Run the solution.
Log in as CustomerManager with P@ssword for the password.
Notice that the Login area is no longer displayed, but the welcome text and logout link are now displayed.
Click Logout link and close Web browser.
Adding New Users from the Client
The authentication service does not contain an operation to create new users. To register a new user, you create an empty domain service and add an operation for adding a user to the ASP.NET Membership framework.
To configure the server project for adding a new user
In the server project, add a new class file named NewUser.
Define the properties for registering a new user by adding the following code to the NewUser class.
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Public Class NewUser
<Key()> _
<Required()> _
<RegularExpression("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", ErrorMessage:="Invalid user name. It must contain only alphanumeric characters")> _
Public Property UserName As String
<Key()> _
<Required()> _
<RegularExpression("^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$", ErrorMessage:="Invalid email. An email must use the format username@mycompany.com")> _
Public Property Email As String
<Required()> _
<RegularExpression("^.*[^a-zA-Z0-9].*$", ErrorMessage:="A password needs to contain at least one special character e.g. @ or #")> _
<StringLength(50, MinimumLength:=7, ErrorMessage:="Invalid password. It must be contain at least 7 characters and no more than 50 characters.")> _
Public Property Password As String
<Required()> _
<CustomValidation(GetType(RegistrationValidator), "IsPasswordConfirmed")> _
Public Property ConfirmPassword As String
<Range(1, 20)> _
Public Property RecordsToShow As Integer
<Required()> _
Public Property SecurityQuestion As String
<Required()> _
Public Property SecurityAnswer As String
End Class
usingSystem;usingSystem.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;namespaceExampleNavigationApplication.Web{publicclassNewUser { [Key] [Required()] [RegularExpression("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", ErrorMessage="Invalid user name. It must contain only alphanumeric characters")]publicstring UserName { get; set; } [Key] [Required()] [RegularExpression(@"^([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$", ErrorMessage="Invalid email. An email must use the format username@mycompany.com")]publicstring Email { get; set; } [Required()] [RegularExpression("^.*[^a-zA-Z0-9].*$", ErrorMessage="A password needs to contain at least one special character e.g. @ or #")] [StringLength(50, MinimumLength =7, ErrorMessage="Invalid password. It must be contain at least 7 characters and no more than 50 characters.")]publicstring Password { get; set; } [Required()] [CustomValidation(typeof(RegistrationValidator),"IsPasswordConfirmed")]publicstring ConfirmPassword { get; set; } [Range(1,20)]publicint RecordsToShow { get; set; } [Required()]publicstring SecurityQuestion { get; set; } [Required()]publicstring SecurityAnswer { get; set; } }}
The ConfirmPassword property in the previous step is defined with a CustomValidationAttribute attribute. In the attribute, it specifies a RegistrationValidator class and a method named IsPasswordConfirmed. You must now define this custom validation class.
Add a new class named RegistrationValidator.shared.cs or RegistrationValidator.shared.vb.
Add the following code to the RegistrationValidator.shared file.
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Public Class RegistrationValidator
Public Shared Function IsPasswordConfirmed(ByVal confirmPassword As String, ByVal context As ValidationContext) As ValidationResult
Dim data As Web.NewUser = CType(context.ObjectInstance, Web.NewUser)
If (data.Password = confirmPassword) Then
Return ValidationResult.Success
Return New ValidationResult("Please confirm your password by providing it again.")
End If
End Function
End Class
usingSystem.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;namespaceExampleNavigationApplication.Web{publicclassRegistrationValidator {publicstaticValidationResultIsPasswordConfirmed(string confirmPassword,ValidationContext context) {NewUser data = (NewUser)context.ObjectInstance;if (data.Password== confirmPassword) {returnValidationResult.Success; }else {returnnewValidationResult("Please confirm your password by providing it again."); } } }}
Add a new item to the server project and select the Domain Service Class template.
Name the file RegistrationDomainService.cs or RegistrationDomainService.vb and then click the Add button.
In the Add New Domain Service Class dialog box, select \ from the Available DataContexts/ObjectContexts list.
Click OK.
To create a domain operation that adds a new user through the Membership framework and saves a profile property, add the following code to the RegistrationDomainService class.
The GetUsers method must be included to ensure that the NewUser entity class is generated for the client project. Only classes that are exposed through a public query operation are generated in the client project.
After creating the user, the profile property named DefaultRows is set. In this case, the profile property is set as part of the domain operation for creating a user. In a later section, you will add code to set the profile property from the client project.
Option Compare Binary
Option Infer On
Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Imports System.Linq
Imports OpenRiaServices.Hosting
Imports OpenRiaServices.Server
Imports System.Web.Profile
<EnableClientAccess()> _
Public Class RegistrationDomainService
Inherits DomainService
Public Sub AddUser(ByVal user As NewUser)
Dim createStatus As MembershipCreateStatus
Membership.CreateUser(user.UserName, user.Password, user.Email, user.SecurityQuestion, user.SecurityAnswer, True, Nothing, createStatus)
If (createStatus <> MembershipCreateStatus.Success) Then
Throw New DomainException(createStatus.ToString())
End If
Dim profile = ProfileBase.Create(user.UserName, True)
profile.SetPropertyValue("DefaultRows", user.RecordsToShow)
End Sub
Public Function GetUsers() As IEnumerable(Of NewUser)
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Function
End Class
``` csharp namespace ExampleNavigationApplication.Web { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using OpenRiaServices.Hosting; using OpenRiaServices.Server; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.Profile;
public class RegistrationDomainService : DomainService
public void AddUser(NewUser user)
MembershipCreateStatus createStatus;
Membership.CreateUser(user.UserName, user.Password, user.Email, user.SecurityQuestion, user.SecurityAnswer, true, null, out createStatus);
if (createStatus != MembershipCreateStatus.Success)
throw new DomainException(createStatus.ToString());
ProfileBase profile = ProfileBase.Create(user.UserName, true);
profile.SetPropertyValue("DefaultRows", user.RecordsToShow);
public IEnumerable<NewUser> GetUsers()
throw new NotSupportedException();
To configure the client project for adding new users
Open the Home.xaml file.
After the end tag for the LoginBorderBorder control, add the following XAML to create a second Border control with input controls to collect information for creating new users.
The controls accept values for user name, password, password confirmation, e-mail address, security question, security answer, and the number of records to show on reports. The number of records to display will be saved as a profile property. All of the other values are used to create the user through ASP.NET Membership framework.
Open the Home.xaml.cs (or Home.xaml.vb) code-behind file.
Add a using or an Imports statement for the OpenRiaServices.Client, System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations, and ExampleNavigationApplication.Web namespaces.
Add an event handler for the register button click event and add a callback method for domain operation. The callback method includes code to login the user after successfully creating the user account.
Private Sub RegisterButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
RegisterButton.IsEnabled = False
Dim context = New RegistrationDomainContext()
Dim nu = New NewUser()
nu.UserName = NewUsername.Text
nu.Password = NewPassword.Password
nu.Email = NewEmail.Text
nu.ConfirmPassword = NewConfirmPassword.Password
nu.RecordsToShow = Integer.Parse(DefaultRows.SelectionBoxItem.ToString())
nu.SecurityQuestion = SecurityQuestion.Text
nu.SecurityAnswer = SecurityAnswer.Text
context.SubmitChanges(AddressOf RegisterUser_Completed, Nothing)
Catch ve As ValidationException
registerResult.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
registerResult.Text = ve.Message
RegisterButton.IsEnabled = True
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub RegisterUser_Completed(ByVal so As SubmitOperation)
If (so.HasError) Then
Dim ew = New ErrorWindow("Registration failed.", "Please try registering again.")
Dim lp = New LoginParameters(NewUsername.Text, NewPassword.Password)
WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(lp, AddressOf Me.LoginOperation_Completed, Nothing)
NewUsername.Text = ""
NewPassword.Password = ""
NewConfirmPassword.Password = ""
NewEmail.Text = ""
DefaultRows.SelectedIndex = 0
SecurityQuestion.Text = ""
SecurityAnswer.Text = ""
End If
RegisterButton.IsEnabled = True
End Sub
The following shows the complete code-behind file.
Imports OpenRiaServices.Client.Authentication
Imports OpenRiaServices.Client
Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
Partial Public Class Home
Inherits Page
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Protected Overrides Sub OnNavigatedTo(ByVal e As System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs)
End Sub
Private Sub LoginButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim lp As LoginParameters = New LoginParameters(UserName.Text, Password.Password)
WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(lp, AddressOf Me.LoginOperation_Completed, Nothing)
LoginButton.IsEnabled = False
LoginResult.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub LoginOperation_Completed(ByVal lo As LoginOperation)
If (lo.HasError) Then
LoginResult.Text = lo.Error.Message
LoginResult.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
ElseIf (lo.LoginSuccess = False) Then
LoginResult.Text = "Login failed. Please check user name and password."
LoginResult.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
ElseIf (lo.LoginSuccess = True) Then
End If
LoginButton.IsEnabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub SetControlVisibility(ByVal isAuthenticated As Boolean)
If (isAuthenticated) Then
LoginBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
RegisterBorder.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
WelcomeText.Text = "Welcome " + WebContext.Current.User.Name
WelcomeText.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
LogoutButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
LoginBorder.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
RegisterBorder.Visibility = Windows.Visibility.Visible
WelcomeText.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
LogoutButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LogoutButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
WebContext.Current.Authentication.Logout(AddressOf Me.LogoutOperation_Completed, Nothing)
End Sub
Private Sub LogoutOperation_Completed(ByVal lo As LogoutOperation)
If (Not (lo.HasError)) Then
Dim ew As ErrorWindow = New ErrorWindow("Logout failed.", "Please try logging out again.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub RegisterButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
RegisterButton.IsEnabled = False
Dim context = New RegistrationDomainContext()
Dim nu = New NewUser()
nu.UserName = NewUsername.Text
nu.Password = NewPassword.Password
nu.Email = NewEmail.Text
nu.ConfirmPassword = NewConfirmPassword.Password
nu.RecordsToShow = Integer.Parse(DefaultRows.SelectionBoxItem.ToString())
nu.SecurityQuestion = SecurityQuestion.Text
nu.SecurityAnswer = SecurityAnswer.Text
context.SubmitChanges(AddressOf RegisterUser_Completed, Nothing)
Catch ve As ValidationException
registerResult.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
registerResult.Text = ve.Message
RegisterButton.IsEnabled = True
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub RegisterUser_Completed(ByVal so As SubmitOperation)
If (so.HasError) Then
Dim ew = New ErrorWindow("Registration failed.", "Please try registering again.")
Dim lp = New LoginParameters(NewUsername.Text, NewPassword.Password)
WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(lp, AddressOf Me.LoginOperation_Completed, Nothing)
NewUsername.Text = ""
NewPassword.Password = ""
NewConfirmPassword.Password = ""
NewEmail.Text = ""
DefaultRows.SelectedIndex = 0
SecurityQuestion.Text = ""
SecurityAnswer.Text = ""
End If
RegisterButton.IsEnabled = True
End Sub
End Class
usingSystem;usingSystem.Windows;usingSystem.Windows.Controls;usingSystem.Windows.Navigation;usingOpenRiaServices.Client.Authentication;usingOpenRiaServices.Client;usingSystem.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;usingExampleNavigationApplication.Web;namespaceExampleNavigationApplication{publicpartialclassHome:Page {publicHome() {InitializeComponent(); } // Executes when the user navigates to this page.protectedoverridevoidOnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) {SetControlVisibility(WebContext.Current.User.IsAuthenticated); }privatevoidLoginButton_Click(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e) {LoginParameters lp =newLoginParameters(UserName.Text,Password.Password);WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(lp,this.LoginOperation_Completed,null);LoginButton.IsEnabled=false;LoginResult.Text=""; }privatevoidLoginOperation_Completed(LoginOperation lo) {if (lo.HasError) {LoginResult.Text=lo.Error.Message;LoginResult.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;lo.MarkErrorAsHandled(); }elseif (lo.LoginSuccess==false) {LoginResult.Text="Login failed. Please check user name and password.";LoginResult.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; }elseif (lo.LoginSuccess==true) {SetControlVisibility(true); }LoginButton.IsEnabled=true; }privatevoidSetControlVisibility(bool isAuthenticated) {if (isAuthenticated) {LoginBorder.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;RegisterBorder.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;WelcomeText.Text="Welcome "+WebContext.Current.User.Name;WelcomeText.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;LogoutButton.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; }else {LoginBorder.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;RegisterBorder.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;WelcomeText.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;LogoutButton.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed; } }privatevoidLogoutButton_Click(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e) {WebContext.Current.Authentication.Logout(this.LogoutOperation_Completed,null); }privatevoidLogoutOperation_Completed(LogoutOperation lo) {if (!lo.HasError) {SetControlVisibility(false); }else {ErrorWindow ew =newErrorWindow("Logout failed.","Please try logging out again.");ew.Show();lo.MarkErrorAsHandled(); } }privatevoidRegisterButton_Click(object sender,RoutedEventArgs e) {RegisterButton.IsEnabled=false;RegistrationDomainContext context =newRegistrationDomainContext();NewUser nu =newNewUser();try {nu.UserName=NewUsername.Text;nu.Password=NewPassword.Password;nu.Email=NewEmail.Text;nu.ConfirmPassword=NewConfirmPassword.Password;nu.RecordsToShow=int.Parse(DefaultRows.SelectionBoxItem.ToString());nu.SecurityQuestion=SecurityQuestion.Text;nu.SecurityAnswer=SecurityAnswer.Text;context.NewUsers.Add(nu);context.SubmitChanges(RegisterUser_Completed,null); }catch (ValidationException ve) {registerResult.Visibility=System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;registerResult.Text=ve.Message;RegisterButton.IsEnabled=true; } }privatevoidRegisterUser_Completed(SubmitOperation so) {if (so.HasError) {ErrorWindow ew =newErrorWindow("Registration failed.","Please try registering again.");ew.Show();so.MarkErrorAsHandled(); }else {LoginParameters lp =newLoginParameters(NewUsername.Text,NewPassword.Password);WebContext.Current.Authentication.Login(lp,this.LoginOperation_Completed,null);NewUsername.Text="";NewPassword.Password="";NewConfirmPassword.Password="";NewEmail.Text="";DefaultRows.SelectedIndex=0;SecurityQuestion.Text="";SecurityAnswer.Text=""; }RegisterButton.IsEnabled=true; } }}
Run the solution.
Provide values to register a new user.
Close the Web browser.
Restricting Access to Domain Operations
You restrict access to a domain operation by applying either the RequiresAuthenticationAttribute attribute or the RequiresRoleAttribute attribute to the domain operation. Domain operations without an attribute are available to all users. Applying an attribute to domain operation does not prevent the user from calling the domain operation; however, users without the required credentials will receive an exception.
To restrict displayed data by roles
In Solution Explorer, select the server project and click the Show All Files button.
Right-click the App_Data folder and select Include in Project.
Right-click the App_Data folder, select Add and then Existing Item.
In the Add Existing Item dialog box, add the AdventureWorksLT sample database.
In the server project, add a new item and select the ADO.NET Entity Data Model template.
Name the model AdventureWorksModel.edmx and click Add.
The Entity Data Model Wizard appears.
Select the Generate from database option and then click Next.
Select the AdventureWorksLT database and then click Next.
From the list of database objects, select the Customer, Product, and SalesOrderHeader tables, and then click Finish.
The entity data model appears in the designer.
Build the solution.
In the server project, add a new item and select the Domain Service Class template.
Name the domain service AdventureWorksDomainService and then click Add.
In the Add New Domain Service Class dialog box, select the Customer, Product, and SalesOrderHeader entities.
Click OK to finish creating the domain service.
In the AdventureWorksDomainService class file, add the RequiresAuthenticationAttribute attribute to GetSalesOrderHeader method.
<RequiresAuthentication()> _
Public Function GetSalesOrderHeaders() As IQueryable(Of SalesOrderHeader)
Return Me.ObjectContext.SalesOrderHeaders
End Function
The GetProducts domain operation is available to any user, GetSalesOrderHeaders is available to authenticated users, and GetCustomers is available to only users in the Managers role.
The following shows the complete domain service.
<EnableClientAccess()> _
Public Class AdventureWorksDomainService
Inherits LinqToEntitiesDomainService(Of AdventureWorksLT_DataEntities)
<RequiresRole("Managers")> _
Public Function GetCustomers() As IQueryable(Of Customer)
Return Me.ObjectContext.Customers
End Function
Public Function GetProducts() As IQueryable(Of Product)
Return Me.ObjectContext.Products
End Function
<RequiresAuthentication()> _
Public Function GetSalesOrderHeaders() As IQueryable(Of SalesOrderHeader)
Return Me.ObjectContext.SalesOrderHeaders
End Function
End Class
Before calling a domain operation with restricted permissions, you should check that the user has the required credentials; otherwise, an exception is thrown. In this section, you will check the user's credentials and populate from one to three DataGrid controls based on the user's credentials. You will also retrieve the number of records based on a property in the user profile. A default value of 10 is used for users that are not authenticated. This section does not include a way for users to set the DefaultRows profile property, but you will add that in a later section.
To add a Silverlight Page for displaying data
In the client project, add a new item to the Views folder.
Select the Silverlight Page template and name the new page Reports.xaml.
Open the MainPage.xaml file and add a link for the Reports page by adding the following XAML after the HyperlinkButton named Link2 that links to the About page.
Open the Reports.xaml file, and add the following XAML inside the Grid tags to match the formatting of the other pages in the site, and to include a HyperlinkButton control that will launch a window for editing a profile property.
<ScrollViewer x:Name="PageScrollViewer" Style="{StaticResource PageScrollViewerStyle}">
<StackPanel x:Name="ContentStackPanel">
<TextBlock x:Name="HeaderText"
Style="{StaticResource HeaderTextStyle}"
<TextBlock x:Name="ContentText"
Style="{StaticResource ContentTextStyle}"
Text="Display reports based on user permissions"/>
<HyperlinkButton x:Name="SettingsButton"
Content="Adjust Settings"
Drag three DataGrid controls from the Toolbox to just before the end tag of the stack panel named ContentStackPanel.
When you drag the DataGrid controls from the Toolbox, a reference to the System.Windows.Controls.Data assembly is added to the project and a prefix for the System.Windows.Controls namespace is added to the page.
Name the DataGrid controls ProductsGrid, SalesOrdersGrid, and CustomersGrid and set Margin to 5.
The following example shows the complete Reports.xaml file.
Open the Reports.xaml.cs or Reports.xaml.vb file and add using or Imports statements for the OpenRiaServices.Client and ExampleNavigationApplication.Web namespaces.
Create an instance of the AdventureWorksDomainContext named context, and create a variable named numberOfRows that contains the number of rows to retrieve.
Private context As New AdventureWorksDomainContext
Private numberOfRows As Integer = 10
Add a method named LoadRestrictedReports that calls the GetSalesOrderHeaderQuery method and the GetCustomersQuery method, if the user belongs to the Managers role, and populates the corresponding data grids with the results.
If you call a domain operation when the user does not have the required credentials, the domain operation returns an exception. You can avoid this situation by checking the credentials before calling the domain operation.
Private Sub LoadRestrictedReports()
Dim loadSales = context.Load(context.GetSalesOrderHeadersQuery().Take(numberOfRows))
SalesOrdersGrid.ItemsSource = loadSales.Entities
SalesOrdersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
If (WebContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Managers")) Then
Dim loadCustomers = context.Load(context.GetCustomersQuery().Take(numberOfRows))
CustomersGrid.ItemsSource = loadCustomers.Entities
CustomersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
CustomersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
End If
End Sub
Add a method named LoadReports that checks whether the user is authenticated and, if so, calls LoadRestrictedReports method. It also retrieves the profile property named DefaultRows and adds an event handler for the PropertyChanged event on the User object. Finally, it calls the GetProductsQuery method for all users.
Private Sub LoadReports()
If (WebContext.Current.User.IsAuthenticated) Then
numberOfRows = WebContext.Current.User.DefaultRows
AddHandler WebContext.Current.User.PropertyChanged, AddressOf User_PropertyChanged
CustomersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
SalesOrdersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
End If
Dim loadProducts = context.Load(context.GetProductsQuery().Take(numberOfRows))
ProductsGrid.ItemsSource = loadProducts.Entities
End Sub
Add an event handler for the PropertyChanged event that calls LoadReports if the property DefaultRows has changed.
Private Sub User_PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)
If (e.PropertyName = "DefaultRows") Then
End If
End Sub
Add the following code to the constructor. This code loads the reports and makes the settings link visible for authenticated users.
Public Sub New()
If (WebContext.Current.User.IsAuthenticated) Then
SettingsButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
End If
End Sub
Add an event handler for the Click event on the settings link.
The ProfileWindow will be added in a later step.
Private Sub SettingsButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim settingsWindow = New ProfileWindow()
End Sub
Imports OpenRiaServices.Client
Imports ExampleNavigationApplication.Web
Partial Public Class Reports
Inherits Page
Private context As New AdventureWorksDomainContext
Private numberOfRows As Integer = 10
Public Sub New()
If (WebContext.Current.User.IsAuthenticated) Then
SettingsButton.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
End If
End Sub
Private Sub LoadReports()
If (WebContext.Current.User.IsAuthenticated) Then
numberOfRows = WebContext.Current.User.DefaultRows
AddHandler WebContext.Current.User.PropertyChanged, AddressOf User_PropertyChanged
CustomersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
SalesOrdersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
End If
Dim loadProducts = context.Load(context.GetProductsQuery().Take(numberOfRows))
ProductsGrid.ItemsSource = loadProducts.Entities
End Sub
Private Sub LoadRestrictedReports()
Dim loadSales = context.Load(context.GetSalesOrderHeadersQuery().Take(numberOfRows))
SalesOrdersGrid.ItemsSource = loadSales.Entities
SalesOrdersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
If (WebContext.Current.User.IsInRole("Managers")) Then
Dim loadCustomers = context.Load(context.GetCustomersQuery().Take(numberOfRows))
CustomersGrid.ItemsSource = loadCustomers.Entities
CustomersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible
CustomersGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed
End If
End Sub
Private Sub User_PropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs)
If (e.PropertyName = "DefaultRows") Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SettingsButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim settingsWindow = New ProfileWindow()
End Sub
End Class
You can allow users to edit the DefaultRows profile property by adding child window. When the value is changed, you call the SaveUser method to save the value in the data source. You retrieve the current value through the properties on the User object of the current WebContext instance.
To add a window for setting profile property
In the client project, add a new item to the Views folder.
Select the Silverlight Child Window template and name it ProfileWindow.xaml.
Click the Add button.
In the ProfileWindow.xaml file, add the following XAML to include a ComboBox for selecting the number of rows to display in the reports.
In the ProfileWindow.xaml.cs or ProfileWindow.xaml.vb code-behind file, add the following code to retrieve and set the profile property.
Partial Public Class ProfileWindow
Inherits ChildWindow
Public Sub New()
Dim userDefaultRows = WebContext.Current.User.DefaultRows.ToString()
For Each cbi As ComboBoxItem In defaultRows.Items
If (cbi.Content.ToString() = userDefaultRows) Then
defaultRows.SelectedItem = cbi
Exit For
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles OKButton.Click
Dim newSelection = Integer.Parse(defaultRows.SelectionBoxItem.ToString())
If (newSelection <> WebContext.Current.User.DefaultRows) Then
WebContext.Current.User.DefaultRows = newSelection
End If
Me.DialogResult = True
End Sub
Private Sub CancelButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles CancelButton.Click
Me.DialogResult = False
End Sub
End Class